Salt Lake Shantymen

Salt Lake Shantymen

Salt Lake Shantymen

    The Salt Lake Shantymen, based in Kalgoorlie, are the most inland shanty group in the world. Keeping alive the time honoured traditioons of shanty singing on the vast salt lakes is a mammoth task. These salty chaps are the ones standing (or sitting, often at the bar) ready to do just that. They’ll do it for anyone who’ll listen too (whether they like it or not), so get along and see what all the fuss is about. Join in the salty songs from far inland!
    Upcoming Events
    The Earl of Spencer Historic Inn
    Fri, 05 Jul, 06:00 PM
    The Earl of Spencer Historic Inn
    Sat, 06 Jul, 05:00 PM
    The Premier Hotel
    Sun, 07 Jul, 05:30 PM